Thursday, August 20, 2009

Niagara Region Orchid Show - I'm in!

There'll be mostly orchid growers there, but they also have a section for orchid art and crafts, and I have I spot!

The show is in November and I'll be showing five new orchid paintings. How exciting! I used to paint orchids quite frequently, but haven't done many lately. These are the last ones I did, but that too a while back.

The show will have brand new pieces!

Orginal watercolor: SOLD

Digital collage using original painting, available in my shop:

Digital collage using original painting, available in my shop:


Cao said...

How come we don't have any Orchids in our garden or house? Shouldn't we?

Azra Momin said...

We did once - you bought it for me, remember? I managed to kill it though...sob!

But you're right, we should get some more.

Oh, and we do have the one in the vase on the dining table, although it's fake :)

Sarah said...

You are really really good mashallah! I'm loving the water color painting and the second digital painting mashallah. What programs do you use to paint them?

Azra Momin said...

Thank you for the kind words, Sarah. I use good ol Photoshop - it's fun to play around with.