Thursday, December 23, 2010

Super Magic Powers

I'm still laptop-less, so this is just a quick post about something I've been meaning to share ever since I saw it.  Something about an ordinary lil thing with....Super Magic Powers, like DaddyBoy would say (now with the LittleOne following suit, of course).

Baking soda.  Yup.  I've always been a big fan - I use it for cleaning spills on the carpet, and for scrubbing the stove and appliances in the kitchen, not to forget countertops. Even the bathtub and the toilet come out shining with it.  It really is a handy thing to have around if you don't like the chemical-infested cocktails they sell as household cleaners.

Of course, baking soda is also a manufactured compound, so we do ravage the earth a little while making it, but it's still far more friendly to the environment than regular cleaners, both in its production and its use.  Combine it with earth-friendly vinegar and you have a powerful team of Super Fighters.

But then I came across this.  30 great tips for baking soda.  And then some, if you look at the comments this post generated.

Here's one from my Mom: Take about equal quantities of baking soda and active dry yeast.  You need very little of each - less than half a teaspoon.  Mix together with a tiny amount of water to form a paste.  Rub gently on your face.  Keep for a couple of minutes, then wash off.  You won't believe how soft your skin feels afterwards. Try it!

Friday, December 17, 2010

The Deception Of Time

Gouache on acrylic paper

As painted...

...and 'digitally remastered' : )

Thursday, December 9, 2010


That's for my poor laptop, who died a hero after an epic battle with chocolate milk. (NanoBot with glass of milk and laptop negligently left on coffe table...enough said.)  I've never seen a laptop screen do the things this one did as it passed on....

So no computer means no computer time, mostly.  Sharing DaddyBoy's right now, but I used to like to do all my computer stuff while the LittleOne was asleep, either very early in the morning or very late at night, so that I would be with her most of the day at least.  But DaddyBoy also needs it at the same times, so I haven't been able to update my blog.

OK, that was just an excuse - I've been lazy!!!

We had our first snow - three days ago!

Anyway, the Brocante Lux was so good!!  The new cuffs were a hit, and all my brooches are gone as well.  Next up is a project coming up with a clothing company from the U.S.  Wish me luck! 

Last few days I was busy doing a writing assignment for a wonderful blogging network - - a press release and letter to the CEO of Qatar Airways.  The network will be giving out awards for best blogs and the founder is hoping QA will give out free tickets to the winners. 
Let's hope that letter works!

I'm also in the midst of illustrating SuratAlFurqan - the most challenging illustration project for me so far.  Meanwhile, here are a couple of pics form my last book, as promised...

It's about two sisters who find a necklace...

And the older one reminds the younger one about doing the right thing...

The younger one suddenly remembers who she had seen wearing it,
and off they go on an adventure to find the owner...

It was a fun book to do!

Ciao for now!