Monday, July 23, 2012

Paper cloth!!! - Textile Project

I'm so excited!
The paper cloth idea is turning out fab.
It's quick and easy.
It dries faster than I expected.
Even the NanoBot could 'help'!

Before I get into that though,
remember the lovely image I'm working on?

I just want to give a shout out to the photographer.
Olga Piedrahita, if you're reading this,
thank you for the beautiful photo - 
I'm honored to work with it!

I hope my textile version looks half as pretty
as the real thing!

Now back to the paper cloth:

Here's the muslin all laid out and ready.
Ditto garbage bag underneath.

I made a glue-water mixture and sloshed it on.
Then laid down sheets of green tissue.

I had to stop working before I got enough layers down,
but I can pick up and continue later on!

I don't have the pics for when I was laying down the tissue
(having too much fun to remember to take pics)
but it was just that:
Glue on muslin, paper on glue.

I had to stop and leave home for a bit,
but when I got back it was dry!

Nice and leathery-looking.

But soft and pliable.

Next step:
Adding more green layers,
and then adding colors for depth.

Stay tuned!

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