Aisha's Motivational Animal Calendar 2015!

My 7-year old daughter loves animals.
And she loves to draw.
She has combined both her loves into
a beautiful body of work for a charity exhibition,
along with a whole bunch of talented kids,
 for a local conservation forest.
All the proceeds are going to help the turtles in this forest.
Her drawings turned out so lovely
that we can barely part with them!
And when something is so beautiful,
you gotta share it as much as you can, right?
Well, guess what?
I've turned her sweet artwork into a calendar.
 And it comes with sweet quotes to match.
And it's perfect for children of all ages :)
Cute, isn't it?  OK, so here's what you have to do:
Download the link below.
Now print it out!
Voila, you're done!
You should end up with 12 pages,
one for each month.
Tack them on your fridge, wall or notice board,
or simply insert into your file folder.
 A month-full of sweet artwork, with words to match!

You can share this link with whoever you please
for their personal use.

And if you go back to this blog's homepage,
and click on my Facebook button
and give me a "Like" that would be awesome,
but do so only if you feel inclined; no pressure! :)
OK, here's the link - enjoy!



Hafsah said...

This is amazing! I love it!

Renee said...

Hi Azra,

it's Renee. My dad and I love Aisha calendar and both printed out a copy :) xoxo

Azra Momin said...

Hafsah and Renee - thank you so much for your feedback. Aisha and I hope you have fun using the calendar - we had lots of fun making it :)