Thursday, September 3, 2009

New (old) Work

I made these a while ago and ...forgot about them altogether.

They're in the shop now.  There's a whole bunch of other stuff that should be in the shop as well.  I think I need some sticky notes!

Anyway, these are a mix of ink, fused plastic, crochet and hand stitching on oil paint paper.  Nifty!  And here's my post from way back about how I made them.

P.S.:  They really are MUCH nicer in person.


Anonymous said...

I love your work! I DO want to see them in person; I'm sure the texture/mark-making is scrumptious. Yay, keep finding stuff! (I found some of my old stuff today, and it's TERRIBLE!)

Azra Momin said...

Oh, thanks, Fresh! Thank you also for choosing my shop as your featured shop for the week. Really appreciate it!