Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Finished my second book!

Oh my goodness - what a week! The weather can't seem to make up its mind, and alternates between too cold and too hot. But in between there are snatches of just perfect, and then everyone in town seems to be falling over themselves trooping to the outdoors. I think the madness of Spring has begun!

Right now I am sitting in our little patio under our little gazebo with my laptop, and the LittleSparrow is flitting about around me. She keeps coming up to me with her little discoveries of twig or leaf or just plain dirt, and offers it to me. "Nice", she says. I agree and thank her for the lovely gift, and she scoots off to find another.

I feel like I'm on vacation!

The last few days were incredibly hectic. I was working on my second book of illustrations, and I was given very little time to do it, since the publisher would like to add this book to my other one and take both to a seminar he's attending this weekend. The good part was this second book had the same characters as the first one, so I didn't have to work out the 'look'. This actually came in the middle of me working out the look for another book, but they asked me to leave that aside for now and just work on this one.

Anyhow, last night I uploaded all the images to their ftp site, and I'M DONE! Although now I'm all excited about the next book!



Saadia said...

Congratulations on your second book!!
Im sure it must have been busy with soo little time..
Big kiss to littlesparrow

Azra Momin said...

Saadia, my dear, where do you hide? Thank you for dropping in! LittleSparrow sends you a peck.

Cao said...

I'm happy that babe finally found something fun to work on. I love your art, it's very cute like you. I just hope you get more time to work on the next one.

Azra Momin said...

Aww, DaddyBoy.