So I had just submitted my pics for the first of the four books that form a series, when the publisher emailed me yet another book to illustrate - and this one takes precedence over the series, so I have to think about some new characters, and soon! Meanwhile I still need to keep working on the other books, not to mention a whole different book from some time back that I have not yet finished. Ahhhh!!!!
Sometimes when I'm faced with too many tasks I just do something else altogether to clear my head and gear up for the work - sort of mentally rolling up my sleeves by just letting my brain rest with a different activity than I'm pressuring it about.
So I made this little piece today while the NanoBot was also painting. I love the shimmery summer colors in it (it's dark and rainy outside today) and the profusion of white, which is less stark actually than it looks here.
Today I also go to a book club meeting, and I want to make some apple crumble to take with me. I made some last weekend for a small party and it was a big hit, so I'm gonna fall back on it for today as well!
Now back to work :)