Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Funky Fabric Jewelry, and looming deadlines

So, I'm just wrapping up my illustration assignment, 
and looking forward to starting work on my 
due only in...
10 DAYS!!!

I really need to get started.

Actually, it's due end of August,
but we have a group meeting soon and
we are expected to show SOME progress by then.

So, next few posts I'll try to focus on that,
but meanwhile here's a peek into 
stuff I did while I SHOULD 
have been working on the textile project.

Actually, I made all this jewelry several weeks ago,
while I was trying to get my muse
for an illustration assignment.

Now that I've done some more illustrations,
the latest ones,
I'm all set for starting my textile project.

See?  Works out perfectly :)


Valerie Brown said...

I liked this post, Azra - because I'm also feeling behind with the project! However, I've started at least. Sounds like we should have been cheering each other on to keep up the momentum. Ah well, it will all come together in the end.

Love the funky fabric cuffs.

Cao said...

Yeah somehow you always manage to get things done on time, babe...I just wish you wouldn't wait until the last minute...or cram yourself with so much work that you're overloaded. you though.

Azra Momin said...

Valerie, you're right - we SHOULD have been cheering each other on! Still, it's not too late now, right? :) Have you documented your progress yet?

Your jewelry is beautiful - love the tidal pool piece.

Azra Momin said...

Cao - overboard is fun :) Better too much than too little. But then, I do have diversions too :)

Unknown said...

eres muy talentosa
me encanta lo que haces!